No more boyfriends
No more “solutions”
I want something real so I must stop feeding illusions
Stop professing to just want a companion
Stop aiding my confusion
Because the truth is,
You could call yourself my boyfriend
But chances are this won’t lead to a “Happily Ever After” end
There’s no future I see
In a man that knows me
And places me in a role that he is happy to keep
A girlfriend forever is what I might be
No thanks.
To be frank
I want something more
We need to discuss this
Be on one accord
If I’m just another girl with whom you have no real intentions
Then I’m just another girlfriend.
A space-filler.
The one you emotionally dump on when life has you in a pinch
At one point I would gladly fill that role
Hold your hands when times are dark
Protect your black essence
Since we live in a world where my beautiful black man
May get shot
Just riding with me in the car
But doing that for a man who doesn’t see my true potential
Who’s content with me remaining just some girl he’s “really into”
Doesn’t satisfy my ego
Doesn’t sate my desires to go from me to we
And, if I’m really being honest,
Isn’t pleasing to the God I serve
You see, it’s him above all I really seek to please
So when you think about dating me
Know exactly what that means
Your real intentions will show
So don’t say “I love you” if you don’t know what, to me, LOVE means
I want to love you unconditionally
With one condition, forgive me
I don’t want to be your “girlfriend”
“Your Wife” has a nicer ring.