I shouldn’t be feeling like this
I’m beautiful
True to form
Hardworking even when I’m tired
Some may say “Heaven sent”
But sir…you’ve got me bent
Twisted out of my shape.
Out of my mind
In a new space
I’m a new person every single day
I like you too much
It’s scaring me in new ways
I shouldn’t be feeling like this.
You’re simple, not rushed
But, when you speak, I blush
You’re gentle with your touch
Calm with your words
I’m fast-talking, over-thinking, anxious to be heard
I like being around you
Being grounded in your presence
Trying things and gaining new perspective
You’re mature in ways I haven’t quite accepted
I really like you too much
There, AGAIN, I said it.
I shouldn’t be feeling like this
Because I told myself: “The next person I let in is there for a life sentence”
And if you’re not that person I’m scared this just might be it.
And that’s a whole lot of pressure to put on some new sh*t
So I’m just gonna write this
Hope you never find this
Go snooping through my poems trying to see just where my mind is
I’m captivated by your energy
And you’re the one I want to spend all of my free time with
I know that’s a lot
I know it’s weird
But when you know you know right?
SO I shouldn’t be feeling like this…cool
But I still want to keep this feeling and be kept by you